Restorative Yoga for Busy Moms


According to the Chopra Center, restorative yoga is a practice that leads one toward a more healing and recuperative experience. It offers a host of wonderful benefits that are often overshadowed by the popularity and visibility of more dynamic yoga styles. Restorative yoga relies on props and surrender without effort. Studies show that the slower pace and deep breathing that you get in a restorative yoga class triggers the parasympathetic nervous system from the very first pose. This activation helps to mitigate the effects of the regular fight-or-flight stress response that can be damaging to your physiology and well-being. The overall calming effect on the nervous system sets a deeply relaxing tone for the class that comforts your mind and body down to the cellular level. As a busy mom, you already know you are better equipped to give to others when you are taken care of. Now that spring is in the air, connect with the return of the sun’s warmth and the season’s renewal as you nourish your body and spirit with this revitalizing sequence.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

imgresLie back over a bolster with the soles of your feet together, knees wide, palms face-up at your sides. Visualize your body surrounded by the warmth of the sun. On your inhalations, breathe the sunlight into your whole body and hold your breath. Imagine every cell soaking in the breath like a sponge. On your exhalations, consciously release into the areas of sensation you encounter. Benefits include stimulation of the abdominal organs like the ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, kidneys and heart as it improves general circulation. It stretches the inner thighs, groins and knees to help relieve the symptoms of stress, mild depression, menstruation and menopause.  Repeat this 5 times and then let go completely for 3 to 6 minutes.

Wide Angle Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

searchLie down on a mat and lift the legs perpendicular to the ground and extend them up a wall with a pillow/bolster under your seat. To stretch your inner thighs and groin muscles, let your feet fall out to the sides so your legs make a wide “V” shape. Benefits include improved pelvic circulation, increased blood flow to the face, neck and thorax. It supports the functioning of adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands. Release your body to gravity, allowing space for your sensations. Stay for 3 to 6 minutes.

Supported Belly Down Twist

images-1From a seated position, place the bolster along the middle of your mat. You may choose to put the bolster on a gentle incline using blocks. Bring the right hip next to the bolster, knees bent. Stretch your right arm along the bolster and then lower your arm to the floor next to your bolster. Place your left hand on the floor along the other side of the bolster and turn your belly toward the bolster. Lower yourself onto the bolster. Turn your head either toward your knees, or for a deeper twist, away from them. Let the bolster support you. Relax your arms and try not to hold yourself up. If needed place blankets under your forearms for support and a blanket or block between your knees to take any strain off the back. Hold this position for at least 3 minutes.

Consider restorative yoga as an invitation to explore what its like to give back to yourself; where there is no achieving a pose but rather adjusting it to support release for a more extended period of time. Since this is a receptive practice, see if you feel more open afterward. You just might find interactions with yourself and others to be a more loving experience.

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Hi! I'm Jacqueline, the yoga mOM who loves sharing yoga with other moms (and everyone for that matter) and writing about it. I married the love of my life and we have two sons, now nine and 11, who are amazing on many levels. As a 14-year yoga & meditation teacher with five+ years of freelance writing experience in print and online, I am fascinated about how moms like us can find the right life balance in sharing our gifts and being there for our families. * To see my private and public class yoga schedule and professional information click here:


  1. This post came at a great time! We just joined the Y and I saw that they had a Restorative Yoga class and I was wondering what that was all about! Now I think I’m going to try it out this week 🙂


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