5 Truths I Have Learned as a Parent


When I try to picture my life before children; I really can’t. It was as if this life has always existed, and with it their are some universal truths that go with the territory.

1. There is nothing like the feeling of amazement upon watching your sleeping child. I think we can all recall a moment 5 Truthswhen we have gazed upon our sleeping child and been in awe. And you can’t help but think ” I created that little person.”

2. For every child you have, you need to add 10 – 15 additional minutes to your Estimated Time of Departure. That’s right. Need to leave the house by 8 and have two kids? 20 minutes needed to wrangle them both up. The same goes for leaving an event. This alone makes leaving the house a not so desirable choice at times.

3. At least once in your life you will find yourself alone in the car listening to Fresh Beat Band (or insert child’s favorite CD). Quite possibly you may also be caught watching an episode of Dora the Explorer with no child in the room. At least three times a week, I arrive at work with my children’s music blasting through my car, and I can safely say that I don’t notice it until I get there. I also have to admit that I have been wrapped up in a children’s program that I put off doing what I am doing just to finish watching it.

4. It doesn’t matter how many times you straighten up the toys, they always find their way back to the floor and couches. Children = mini-hurricanes.  No explanation needed. Rubber balls, books, stuffed animals, matchbox cars – they all love your living room.

5. You may never have enough money, time or hours of sleep, but love is multiplied with every new day. And all you really need is that love. The rest doesn’t seem to matter when you are surrounded by the loves of your life. No one could have ever prepared me for the love that is in a mama’s heart.

What are some other universal truths that you’ve come to find as a mom?


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Shannon has lived in Fairfield County, CT for most of her life and currently lives in Monroe. She has a daughter L (September, 2008) and a son B (May, 2012). Shannon balances being a wife and mom with working 186 days out of the year as a special education teacher. Thank goodness for vacations, summer break, and snow days! You can be sure that she fills those days with as many amazing activities and outings that she can think of to make up for the time that she is at work. In a distant life, way before babies, Shannon was an aspiring actress and musician. You can sometimes still find her leading sing-a-longs with her guitar at the kids’ playgroups or at her daughter’s school.



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