The School of Mommy Life


mommy lifeGoing through the school of mommy life requires that we all do homework and take tests. How we respond to those tests show our true character! We all face challenges because life happens. Passing the test is not as important as our attitude through the tests.

Mommy life is a journey full of unpredictable circumstances that sometimes knock us off our feet and take our breath away. May it be sickness, financial hardship, death of a loved one, or marital conflict we all encounter difficulties. No living being is exempt from life hardships. And I mean no one! However, our response to any hardship shows what we are made of!

As a result our attitude determines our altitude. As moms we have a pair of little eyes always watching us. We owe it to our children to deal with pressure in such a way that demonstrates to them that the same boiling water that softens potatoes, hardens eggs! It’s more about what we are made of and not our circumstances.

Pressure brings out the good, the bad or the ugly in us. Our character directly ties to responses under pressure. Our responsibility is to our children. We can show them that tough mommy times do not last but tough mommies do. Let’s demonstrate to our children a healthy response to tough times because they depend on us for healthy guidance.

Be encouraged, as we all know that it’s easier said than done, but we are designed with a “more than conqueror” spirit that makes us press through in spite of our circumstances. We were not created to break but withstand adversities and enable the process to make us better and not bitter! We have it in us to win and fulfill our calling of motherhood. Let’s make it count for what it’s worth: a new opportunity to shape us into who we want our children to become.

What lessons have you learned?


  1. Totally agree with you! Difficulties strengthen the spirit. And after all, you thank the fate for every little thing and every success that you have achieved =)
    And we certainly have a great responsibility for our babies, so we can`t give up =)


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