Meet Erica: The Mom Who Can’t Forget




  1. I only have one child myself but I read on a blog from a mother in the same position as yours her thoughts: it’s true that your second child isn’t going to have the same experience as your first and neither child is going to have as much attention as you were able to give your first BUT your second will get lots of love and companionship from your first. And that is it’s own special thing.

  2. I am 33 wks prego with #4. The biggest thing that I have learned is that you have to fight that urge to never let anyone else help out with the new baby. You have to give up the total hands-on experience that you had with the 1st baby because now you HAVE TO give uninterrupted time to the big kid(s) you already have. They are waiting for your attention. Of course, I thought. But actually handing my new baby to someone else and IGNORING her cries so that I could play cars with my big boy was really hard. I try to give “special time” to each kid EVERY DAY. It has changed the dynamic in my house in such a positive way. The kids listen better because they feel seen and heard. Good luck!


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