Tag: technology

Detective Mom – Why We Can’t Get Enough of True Crime...

Walking the dog, folding laundry, the rare moments when my house is kid-free and quiet - 9 times out of 10, I have an...

My Love/Hate Relationship with Social Media

I have a love/hate relationship with social media. On most days, I love how it makes me feel connected to the people I know, the...

TikTok to the Rescue

My name is Maria. I’m almost 44 years old, a mom of two, a wife, and an educator, and I’m addicted to TikTok. I...

Behind the Filter: Social Media Perfection vs. the Internal Monologue

It’s a funny world we are living in right now. We all know we were tied to our phones and social media before the...

Facebook Post Envy

As I scroll through my Facebook newsfeed, there is definitely a difference between posts of people with children and those without children. Members of both...

Dear iPhone, I Need Some Space

(sigh) The good old days…before the iPhone. Imagine there was a time when you weren’t constantly barraged by communication. Instead of texting or emailing, there...

Social Media Relationship Status: It’s Complicated

I have a complicated relationship with social media. In being part of the generation that is fully immersed in the evolution of social networking, I...

Screen Time Wars

“I HATE THIS! YOU’RE SO MEAN! Door slam. House rattles. Does this resonate with anyone else? I don’t know about you, but the pandemic burnout is...

Screen Time, Socializing, and the Pandemic Parent Dilemma

It’s 3:15 p.m. on any random weekday. Without fail, my phone starts going off incessantly with texts and FaceTime calls. Nope, no one is...

Girls and Computer Camp

Although women pioneered the computer industry alongside men, they were and remain under-represented in this promising field. Empowering young women to shape society’s technological...