Tag: life lessons

The Evolution of Parenting

I'm only four years into this parenting thing, so I am still quite a novice. However, in those four short years, my husband and...

Transitioning Back to Normal

News Flash: The country is reopening. Life is looking more like it did before March 2020. We are getting back to normal! Travel has resumed...

Easily Influenced? A Jean Shorts Lesson

Let me start with a little backstory: A few months ago, I was mindlessly clicking through Instagram stories after a glass or two of wine....

On Turning 45

So today I am turning 45, and I think it is my best age yet. When I was younger, even in my mid-30s, I...

8 Is Not Always Great

I love my children. I have two very sweet, very loving little girls. They are inquisitive, they are caring, and they (mostly) get along...

Saying Yes to the Mess

Having kids is messy. It starts with spit-up stains on your clothes and couch, evolves into toddler juice spills on your floors, then backpacks...

Emerging From the Black Hole of Raising Babies

I am currently potty-training my youngest kid, and while the potty-training itself is going fantastically terrible, I am full of hope because I can...

My 40th Year

Today, I turn 39 years old. It’s the last year of my thirties, and I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it. There’s no stopping it, so I...

You Are the One You Need

Last month I wrote about Mental Health and Motherhood, and immediately I wanted to add an addendum. In my post, I listed a few...

A Letter to My Children: Choosing a Spouse

Your father and I were never “meant to be.” We found each other, we fell in love, and we worked hard to make it be. Many...