Polar Opposites!


On June 7, 2013 my world was forever changed with the addition of my beautiful twins, Blake and Brynn. I went into the hospital for a routine non-stress test and discovered that I was in labor – I guess my pain tolerance is much higher than I thought! Even though my husband and I did everything to prepare for their arrival – setting up the nursery, putting together the double stroller, and even buying a minivan – we were not prepared for how demanding these babies would be… and how different!

The most obvious difference with my twins is that one is a boy and one is a girl – so NO, they are not identical! The second thing we noticed immediately after birth was how different they looked. The doctor exclaimed after pulling them out, “Oh wow, one’s light, and one’s dark!” Blake was long and lean with blond hair like his daddy and big bro. Brynn came out short and chunky with really dark hair – even on her back!

As I attempt to write this, I am reminded of another blaring difference – Blake is laidback and content gazing at the little birds hanging above his bouncer. At the same time, Brynn lays in her swing, screaming her head off because her pacifier fell out of her mouth and disturbed her daytime snooze.

While pregnant, every piece of twin advice that I received was to keep the babies on the same schedule. I love schedules! My son Shane is on a schedule – wakes up at 7 a.m., naps 2 hours midday (most of the time), and is asleep no later than 7:30 p.m. But with the twins, I was quickly reminded that newborns don’t do schedules. All mommies know newborns like to keep you on your toes.

Should they be awake or asleep???
Should they be awake or asleep???

When I want the babies to sleep, they don’t (or only one does, while the other fusses and wants to be held). When I want them to stay awake and do some tummy time, Brynn is fast asleep while Blake eagerly attempts to hold up his head. When I pray for a decent stretch of sleep during the night, Brynn wants to nurse every 2 hours, and Blake lies next to her fast asleep. During the day, Blake is wide-eyed and alert, and Brynn needs to be woken up to feed. I feel like they have some secret twin language, and they are plotting ways to make me crazy…okay, that sounds crazy!

Everyone keeps telling me it will get easier, and I know from my own experience with Shane that it will, but how much more torture can I take! When I feel completely discouraged – especially with the nursing- they throw me for a loop and start to cooperate! They will eagerly nurse simultaneously, gazing up at me with big open eyes, or will BOTH sleep for a 4-hour stretch during the night.

BOTH sound asleep...but only ever in the car seats!
BOTH sound asleep…but only ever in the car seats!

I notice more differences; however, I also see the amazing bond. Although they appear to be on opposite schedules, they need to be near one another. They are the most content when they are cuddled together. Having twins is challenging, but it is also amazing to experience. I am so excited to see how they will continue growing and changing together!

How are your children different? Any twin moms out there with a similar experience?

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Michelle is the Owner and Editor of Fairfield County Mom and Westchester County Mom. She has spent her entire life in Fairfield County, growing up in Norwalk and now residing in Fairfield, CT. Michelle married her husband, Chris, in October 2008. Before motherhood, she thought she was busy, but now life with her son Shane (March 2011), twins, Blake and Brynn (June 2013), Hank the Lab, and Bruce the Frenchie; the meaning of hectic has been redefined! Michelle is also a working mom, teaching third grade at a local public school. When she’s not making lists, chauffeuring the kids, and doing laundry, Michelle enjoys standing along the sidelines cheering on her kids, lounging with a good book, eating dark chocolate, and sipping on some tequila.


  1. Having just had my second baby, I’ve been noticing how differently their newborn stages compares to one another. It’s crazy because I find myself constantly comparing my son to my daughter. I too have to remind myself that they are two different kids and they will have two different experiences.
    Enjoy every moment with those cute babies!!

  2. First time mom of boy/girl twins here – At 7 months in I keep resisting the urge to compare them but everyone else does! Grandmas both lament and wonder why my daughter doesn’t yet crawl because her brother started crawling at exactly 5 months. Never mind when I point to stats that show at 7 months only 50% of babies crawl. My family is statistically on target! 😉

    Enjoy your new bundles!

  3. Yes, it’s so hard not to compare, but all my babies are so different! It’s amazing that already at 7 weeks they are starting to show such personality.


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