Maria Sette

Maria Sette
Maria is a full-time mom, teacher, wife, daughter, and sister, who feels pulled in too many directions! Her older son Michael took over 24 hours to be born, and at six-months-old was diagnosed with allergies to dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, shrimp, and wheat…all after exclusively nursing because she was SO SURE that would help him be a healthy kid. Luckily at age 1, he began to outgrow some of his allergies. Fingers crossed the others will soon follow because that plus a husband who doesn’t eat any veggies and Maria always battling her weight makes for three meals to prepare every night. Luckily, Christopher, her younger son, is a cooperative eater! As someone who has always been committed to making positive change, Maria uses her privilege and position as an educator and mom to work toward a most anti-racisit, equitibile, and inclusive world. Recently, Maria has even started getting up at 5am to workout in her basement. (Thank you pandemic living!) She is addicted to reading chicklit on her Kindle app in the dark, most Trader Joe’s products, and watching TikToks.
A three-year-old boy stretching in bed.

The Threenager

  Three’s the charm. That’s what they always say, right? Unless it’s referring to the three-year-old, a.k .a., ‘The Threenager.’ I remember hearing about the ‘Terrible Twos’ before I had my son and thinking, “That sounds...
calendar overdrive

Just Say NO to Calendar Overdrive

It's important to say YES to yourself as a person and do things that make you happy. But sometimes, you need to say NO to calendar overdrive in order to preserve your happiness.  I yearn...
A woman resting under the covers.

Fake Resting No More

I recently had coffee with a dear friend when she mentioned she was reading the book, Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. Since she was not the first person to mention it to me, I...
A kid eating while sitting next to an epipen.

I’m an Allergy Mom for Life

As a mom of a child with multiple food allergies (dairy, eggs, nuts, sesame, and shrimp), my stress level quadruples whenever we leave the house. It all started once he turned six months old....
A mother in a field with her son.

Seasons of Motherhood

Motherhood is all about "seasons." Think about it. No one season is truly better than the other. They all have their pluses and minuses. There is no such thing as a perfect season or...
A blank to-do list.

New Beginnings: A To-Do List

Thank goodness we are done with the holidays! Am I the only one who feels this way? I am glad to be moving forward to hopefully better times. This January (and maybe the whole...
memory tree

My Memory Tree

My Christmas tree is fake, but its love is tried and true. It’s more of a memory tree than a traditional Christmas tree. The ornaments on my tree range from vintage ornaments I grew...

TikTok to the Rescue

My name is Maria. I’m almost 44 years old, a mom of two, a wife, and an educator, and I’m addicted to TikTok. I remember when TikTok first started as My students at...
I'm tired

I’m Tired

I’m tired. I’m tired of always having to decide what is for every meal of every day. I’m tired of constantly breaking up the fights. I’m tired of saying, “We don’t throw balls in the house! This...
big kid problems

Big Kids, Big Problems

As I transition to being a mom of big kids, I keep hearing “little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems” in my memory. I remember talking to moms of older kids when my...