Tough Mama Times


tough mamaA couple weeks ago, I went through some tough mama times. I was dealing with a coughing child and a feverish teething toddler. I have to be honest that it was very trying. I am amazed that through those tough mama times, the tough mama in me arises every single time. I push harder than I can, understanding that in this mother ship, quitting is not an option.

Motherhood is one of those jobs that brings out the superhero! I don’t know how we as parents can get our sleep interrupted every hour on the hour one night and still manage to adult the next day.

Some days, I don’t feel like adulting. Some days I just want to bury my head in my soft plushy pillow and drift away.  Then I feel a poke and meet the sweetest brown eyes in the entire world, asking oh so kindly what’s for breakfast. I mean how can I say no to such a selfless and empathetic soul? I would not dare because their sweet face always refuels me.

As a mama, I am no longer relying solely on me, myself and I alone to parent. I am learning that there is power in community. Hubby steps up his game when I need him to. He loves being dad and I thank God for him. I am also blessed to have raised my daughters with structure. They have a pretty good idea of what their daily routine looks like. The two oldest are now stepping up their big sisters game which has helped me tremendously.

A major key to my resilience is that I do not look at the giant before me but rely on my beliefs to see me through any challenges that arise. Life happens but how we choose to respond to it makes all the difference. So today, as I reflect on the beauty in the chaos, I pray that I stay the course. Tough mama times don’t last but tough mamas do! This mama commits to make it to the finish line no matter what comes her way.

How do you respond to tough mama times?  Would love to hear from you!


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