Letting Go of my Last Baby


last baby

I have a confession to make: I am not ready to let go of my last baby. Baby girl is growing too fast and acting like she may even be ready for preschool in September. She is transforming before my very eyes daily. I am amazed, and I’m having a hard time letting go of my last baby.

I feel like it was yesterday that I brought her home from the hospital. Hubby and I were adamant that our two oldest were our last. Well my mommy heart was telling us a different story. I tried to shake off the “let’s think about a third one” feeling. I tried but she won and our life is so full!

I didn’t know how bad it was for me to let go of my last baby until Hubby pointed out the facts to me. The preschool to which we applied announced that she was on the waiting list and we had no plan B. We had no plan B because the only option I considered was half day. With half days, she would enjoy learning and then come home to me for lunch and a nap. It’s a win for both of us.  

If she doesn’t get in, I decided that I will keep her home another year. I guess there is such a thing as “empty nest” for a stay-at-home mom because it dawned on me in that MOMent how much I will miss her. I will miss my grocery shopping sidekick. I will miss my fitness partner. I will miss my sous-chef and lunch date. I will miss watching Sesame Street, Curious George, Doc McStuffins and the likes. I will miss that sweet, strong-willed toddler of mine and everything in between!

Then Hubby reminded me of all the plans I had before our second daughter started preschool. He reminded me that it was now time to focus a little more on me. My last baby is about to start preschool, whether I like it or not. I enjoyed time with her and now it’s time for the world to enjoy her.  

I now realize that I am not actually letting go of my last baby but I am releasing her to be who she is meant to be. She will still be my baby girl and I look forward to what’s ahead for both of us! Motherhood doesn’t stop when our children start school. They need us even more because once our child, always our child!

What was your experience about letting go of your last baby? I would love to hear how you navigated the transition!


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