I’m THAT Kind of Mom


From as early as I can remember I have loved completing those silly quizzes that could be found while reading Cosmopolitan or Seventeen Magazine. What kind of friend are you? What is your perfect style? What is your ideal job?

I have to admit, now, when I see those BuzzFeed quizzes on Facebook I always take them, but never “share” the results. I recently took the quiz, “What Kind of Parent Are You?“ and the results were pretty upsetting (but not surprising)…I’m the overwhelmed parent. Even when I went back and changed my responses (at least 4 times) the results were the same. I guess there is no altering the fact that I am a mother of 3 children, 3 years old and under, and quite indeed overwhelmed. BUT, I don’t need BuzzFeed to label the kind of mom I am. I prefer to label myself!

A family selfie in the minivan that I love to hate.
A family selfie in the minivan that I love to hate.

I’m the kind of mom that complains about driving a minivan, but secretly loves it.

I’m the kind of mom that doesn’t change the bath water, unless someone poops in it.

I’m the kind of mom that complains about having to work, but complains about staying home.

I’m the kind of mom that puts the kids to bed no later than 7:15PM.

I’m the kind of mom that knows the technical name for every type of truck.

I’m the kind of mom that wipes boogers with my hand (or a leaf, or my clothing, etc) when tissues are not nearby.

I’m the kind of mom that let’s my kids fight over toys.

Pic 1 out of 54. Of course I needed to document all three doing stickers.
Pic 1 out of 54. Of course I needed to document all three doing stickers.

I’m the kind of mom that loves to snuggle.

I’m the kind of mom that watches Bravo TV instead of vacuuming when the kiddos finally go to sleep.

I’m the kind of mom that takes about 100 pictures of my little ones daily.

I’m the kind of mom who makes cookies from a box, and tries to pass them off (depending on the situation) as my own.

I’m the kind of mom who leaves the doctor’s nurse weekly phone messages questioning anything from a diaper rash to a possible pulled muscle.

I’m the kind of mom that let’s my children eat a half a box of croutons, just to get them to eat 2 mouthfuls of salad.

I’m the kind of mom who engages in a nightly dance party with my children.

I’m the kind of mom that gets suckered into reading one more book or five more minutes of playtime.

I’m the kind of mom that (sometimes) let’s my kiddos stay in their jammies all day long.

Still in their jammies seconds before fighting over dinos.
Still in their jammies seconds before fighting over dinos.

As you can see, I AM the kind of mom that is overwhelmed! What parent isn’t? I am also fun, neurotic, loving, sensitive, silly, etc. AND these labels vary depending on the type of day I’m having (or how much coffee I have consumed). Overall the only label that I want attached to me is MOMMY. As simple as that!

What kind of mom are you? Please share in the comments below!

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Michelle is the Owner and Editor of Fairfield County Mom and Westchester County Mom. She has spent her entire life in Fairfield County, growing up in Norwalk and now residing in Fairfield, CT. Michelle married her husband, Chris, in October 2008. Before motherhood, she thought she was busy, but now life with her son Shane (March 2011), twins, Blake and Brynn (June 2013), Hank the Lab, and Bruce the Frenchie; the meaning of hectic has been redefined! Michelle is also a working mom, teaching third grade at a local public school. When she’s not making lists, chauffeuring the kids, and doing laundry, Michelle enjoys standing along the sidelines cheering on her kids, lounging with a good book, eating dark chocolate, and sipping on some tequila.



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