A Thank You Note to MY Mom


Dear Mom,

All through my thirty-two years of life, you have been MY mommy. You have shown me what unconditional love truly is. Growing up, you were there to fix every booboo, clean up every mess, and were forced to be the disciplinarian when I got out of hand.

As I entered my teenage years, I became a hormonal mess and totally boy crazy. I was more interested in hanging out with friends, and we experienced some intense fights. I remember the first time I ever uttered the terrible statement, “I hate you,” in outrage (probably because you knew the slumber party I told you I was going to wasn’t quite what I made it out to be). That must have broken your heart.

I then went off to college and realized how much I took you for granted. You spoiled me. For the first time ever, I had to do laundry and make my bed. After I completed graduate school, I got my first job, bought my first condo, and met the love of my life. I also had to cook dinner every night and pay my own bills!

Then I got married, bought a house, and had a baby. Now I was the mommy! The moment I gazed down at my first baby boy, I couldn’t breathe. My first thought was he was mine!

Now I have three babies of my own and have realized how much I have underestimated all that you have done and continue to do. The dynamic of our relationship has changed yet again because now I am Mommy, and you are Grammy. I have a whole new respect for who you are and what you do. I think because we are both mothers of twins, we have an even deeper understanding of one another. (I secretly wonder if my baby girl will someday have twins too!).

I can’t tell you how many times a day I ask myself, “How did she do it?” You amaze me, and I apologize that due to ALL the stresses of life, I do not tell you enough. THANK YOU!

Thank you for showing me how to multitask. I still don’t get how you can do laundry, vacuum, and wash dishes all at the same time.

Thank you for spoiling your grandchildren with clothes, formula, diapers and toys, toys, and more toys.

Thank you for picking up all those toys (hey, you bought them) every time you enter the room.

Thank you for having patience with me and completely ignoring me when I try to tell you how to feed the babies or discipline the big boy. You might not do it my way, but whatever you do, it’s working.

Thank you for making me laugh and texting “selfies” of yourself and pics of the kids when I am away. You have finally learned how to use your iPhone.

Thank you for teaching my kids. When my big boy recently pointed to a dollar bill and exclaimed, “Hey, that’s George Washington.” I didn’t need to question who taught him that.

Thank you for turning every situation into a dance party.

And most importantly, thank you for being my mommy and guiding me through this crazy thing we call motherhood. I know I will experience similar ups and downs with my kids as they grow and change, especially with my little girl. Let’s just hope she’s not as stubborn as I am….but I did get that from you!

Love always,

Your Daughter


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Michelle is the Owner and Editor of Fairfield County Mom and Westchester County Mom. She has spent her entire life in Fairfield County, growing up in Norwalk and now residing in Fairfield, CT. Michelle married her husband, Chris, in October 2008. Before motherhood, she thought she was busy, but now life with her son Shane (March 2011), twins, Blake and Brynn (June 2013), Hank the Lab, and Bruce the Frenchie; the meaning of hectic has been redefined! Michelle is also a working mom, teaching third grade at a local public school. When she’s not making lists, chauffeuring the kids, and doing laundry, Michelle enjoys standing along the sidelines cheering on her kids, lounging with a good book, eating dark chocolate, and sipping on some tequila.


  1. I had to.. my kid keeps talking about it so much 🙂 I did go through a couple of your writings. Loved them too!


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